Seasonal Rules, Regulations, Code of Conduct, and Waivers “SCHEDULE “A”
Speed Limit in the park 10/km/hr
A SEASON: Sites are accessible each year as indicated on The License of Occupation
GATE CARDS: Each site is allowed to purchase 2 gate cards (unless you have a second family usage on file). Gate Cards will deactivate in the event you have more than 2 cards per site, or you have an outstanding balance on your account. All gate cards have a 40-minute delay once used, so if you go out of the park and try to return within 40 minutes your gate card will not work, and you will have to call the office to have someone let you in.
VISITORS: All campers are responsible for their visitors and their visitor’s fees. Visitors will not be allowed entry if you are absent from the park. All visitors must stop at the office and register by signing a visitor’s slip and pay the appropriate visitor’s fees. Visitor’s will not be allowed entry after 9:00pm unless pre-arranged in advance. DO NOT let in any visitor with your gate card! If the store is closed anytime before 9:00pm, have your visitor call the store phone 905-659-3311 and someone will come up to register your visitor.
SECOND FAMILY USAGE: Is per person/season (maximum of one extra family) and must be pre-arranged in advance. See office for forms and fees. This option allows the second family usage person(s) the ability to use the site/trailer without the seasonal contracted camper present. A second family usage form must be filled out and signed by the seasonal contracted camper prior to use. The second family usage person can purchase a gate card with this option.
SEASON’S GUEST PASS: (non-transferable) Is per person/season and must be pre-arranged in advance. See office for forms and fees. This option allows the guest to use the park all season, including overnight stays however the seasonal contracted camper must always be present in the park. A RED guest pass tag will need to be displayed in their vehicle while in the park. Gate cards are not available with this option as they are treated the same as a regular visitor. They must stop at the store and register and show their red tag upon each entry. Season guess pass visitors will not be allowed entry after 9:00pm unless pre-arranged in advance.
SUBLETTIING is Prohibited: Contracted camping is available at the regular camping rates less 10%. This option must be pre-arranged in advance, and is limited to 2 times per year, some exceptions apply. A regular camping permit will be required, and all transient camping rules apply.
CHILDREN: You are responsible for the actions and/or damages caused by your children and your visitor’s children, so please be sure to always watch them. Children under the age of 16 are not allowed unattended in the campground at any time day or night. No children, 18 years of age and under, are to stay in the campground overnight without the signed contracted License of Occupation person or a person who has a signed camping permit. All children under the age of 16 must return to their site by 10:00pm and no bikes are allowed out after dark.
DECKS – The following requirements must be followed when adding a deck to your site
Cannot be higher than 23 inches at the highest point
Must be built in 108 square foot “stand alone” sections with a ruler gab in between
Cannot have more than 2 stair risers onto the deck or into the trailer
Cannot be dug into the ground, you must use concrete deck blocks
Cannot be attached to your trailer
Cannot block any water, hydro or sewer lines
Anyone who does not follow the above requirements will require a deck permit from the City of Hamilton
See office for approval, details and associated costs
SHEDS – Maple Grove Resort will not allow any sheds into the park that would require a permit – Allowable sheds as follows:
All sheds must be less than 108 square feet
All sheds must be manufactured (no DIY woodsheds allowed)
If your shed does not meet the above criteria, you will be asked to remove it from the park.
Any gazebo or solarium must be less than 160 square feet
If you are over this limit, you will be asked to remove it from the park
Must be pre-approved in advance (make sure to bring in your specs to the office for approval)
Must be manufactured (no wood add-a-rooms or awnings allowed)
Must be less than 160 square feet
Please contact H&H Patio enclosures for a Quote 1-800-265-9170
Some additions, if attached to your trailer, may cause your trailer to become MPAC assessable and therefore you would be required to pay property taxes which are billed to you each spring
SITE RESPONSIBILITY: You are allowed one unit/trailer and 2 vehicles per site. It is your responsibility to keep your site clean and clear from clutter and to keep your grass cut and trimmed. There will be a fee to you if Maple Grove Resort must cut and trim your site. Please ensure all wood etc. is kept maintained and put away, no outside fridges, and no storage of any kind, i.e. boats, utility trailers etc. is allowed at your site. See office for storage availability.
INSURANCE ON YOUR TRAILER is your responsibility, and your policy number must be listed on the signed License of Occupation along with the expiry date. You may be asked from time to time to provide a copy of your insurance declaration page.
EXTRA FRIDGE: There is a fee, per season, for an extra fridge and it must be contained in a small shed and not visible on your site. See office for fees.
EXTRA VEHICLES: There is a fee, per season, for a third vehicle on your site, unless you have a second family usage on file. See office for fees.
GOLF CARTS: All golf carts must be “Electric Only”. Proof of insurance and a valid driver’s license must be provided before the golf cart is allowed entry into the park. There is a fee per season for all golf carts. Anyone driving the golf cart must have a valid driver’s license, children cannot drive the golf carts. The 10 km/hr speed limit also applies to all golf carts. See office for fees and details.
E-BIKES: All e-bikes must be registered and approved prior to entering the park. There is a fee per season for all e-bikes. The 10 km/hr speed also applied to e-bikes. See office for fees.
PETS: All pets are to be kept on a leash, at all times while in the park, unless in the dog park. Do not leave your pet unattended at anytime day or night in the park. Please pick up after your pet. Barking and Aggressive Dogs are not allowed! No Pets allowed in any of the resort buildings or pool enclosure. Please see our website for Pet Policies!
WATER: No washing of cars, watering of lawn, unless approved, or any type of vehicle repair work is permitted in the park. Washing of clothes or any other laundry must be done in the park’s laundry facilities or taken off site.
CLOTHES LINES: are not permitted in the park, you may hang towels and bathing suites only.
PUMP OUTS: The honey wagon/pumper truck only comes out on Mondays and Fridays to pump out your tank.
Every trailer is done on Mondays. If you require a second pump out, it will be done on Friday morning if you let the office know by end of day on Thursdays.
We do not bring out the pumper truck on weekends unless it is an extreme emergency! So please make sure you let us know before Friday if you require a second pump out.
There is a fee for emergency and second pump outs – see office for fees
You should only require a second pump out if you have had many visitors
If you have not had any visitors and your sensor on your unit is showing full, then it might be because you have tissue stuck on the sensor or you are plugged and its reading full. This does not necessarily mean you are full. Please make sure you check this before requesting a second pump out as you may be charged for something you don’t need.
Secondly, from experience, if you put a small garbage can next to your toilet, with a lid, for your toilet tissue rather than putting it in your toilet you will save yourself from getting a plugged toilet and covered sensors.
CAMPFIRES are allowed in approved firepits only (bonfires are prohibited) All campfires are to be kept small and extinguished before retiring. DO NOT LEAVE UNATTENDED! Any breach of by-law 02-283 resulting in a fine by the City of Hamilton will be your responsibility to pay (Those fees begin at $380/hour for each responding emergency vehicle) Only clean wood is to be used for campfires. (Anyone under the age of 16 cannot be left unsupervised at a campfire)
NO FIREWORKS of any kind allowed on the property except for the Maple Grove Resort’s Fireworks display!
NO weapons of any kind allowed in the park, NO dirt bikes, NO minibikes, NO motorized trail bikes allowed in the park and NO commercial vehicles allowed in the park without prior approval
TREES/BRUSH: No cutting or burning of any trees or bush in the park or surrounding areas. Parents will be held responsible for any child registered to their site caught performing such acts or any other acts of damage.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES may be consumed on your campsite only. Unless approved by management, i.e. special events, etc. Loud parties and music as well as immoral conduct, drunkenness, and offensive language etc. WILL NOT BE TOLERATED! You will be asked to leave the park without refund! Maple Grove Resort has the right to limit the number of people gathered on a site after quite hours. Noise and music must be kept low at all times and All music must be turned off by 11:00pm.
GLASS CONTAINERS are not allowed off your site, in the pool area, in the playground or any other campground building or area. All beverages must be in a non-breakable container.
COMPLAINTS: If you are disturbed by an unruly camper, please contact the office immediately! DO NOT wait until the next morning to address your complaint as it will be to late for us to address the issue.
SMOKING, VAPING, E-CIGARETTES, TOBACCO OR CANNABIS: The smoking or vaping of tobacco or cannabis (medial or recreational) and the use of e-cigarettes (including e-cigarettes containing cannabis, medical or recreational, is prohibited in the park in accordance with applicable provincial legislation and regulations, as amended from time to time. Without limiting the genrality of the foregoing, the aforementioned smoking, vaping or use of e-cigarettes is prohibited in all Maple Grove Resort buildings including washrooms, laundry room, rec hall, all sheltered (roofed) common areas, pool area and playgrounds and must be at least 20 metres (65.7 feet) away from all.
If anyone generates smoke or vapors from tobacco or cannabis (medial or recreational) that interferes with the reasonable enjoyment of other occupants of the park, you will be asked to take steps to minimize the interference or disturbance to others or refrain from generating such smoke, subject only to Human Rights considerations.
Cultivating, growing, producing, purchasing, selling or distributing any cannabis, plant or product is strictly prohibited in the park including on your site.
We reserve the right at ANY TIME to BAN ALL RECREATIONAL CANNABIS at Maple Grove Resort Inc.
The above statements will be enforced if needed. Please do not ruin it for the responsible people. Please use common sense, be respectful and try to keep it to a very minimal level especially during the day hours of 9am to 11pm. If you absolutely need to do it while your neighbor is out on the deck with their children, please go inside your trailer. There are families next door to you. Not everyone agrees with it, not everyone likes the smell or wants their children exposed to it. We are just asking everyone to think of others and not just of themselves as we are a community.
WAIVER AND RELEASE OF CLAIMS ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND CONSENT TO MEDICAL TREATMENT: During your stay here at Maple Grove Resort Inc., if you participate in any of our activities, you agree that you are in good physical health and are able to safely participate in the activities of the campground and have no medical condition that would make your participation in the activities of the campground more hazardous. You also agree to receive medical care and transportation as required without any liability to Maple Grove Resort’s owners or employees.
GARBAGE: (KITCHEN GARBAGE ONLY) must be tied in a bag and deposited in the green garbage bins located outside the park gate while exiting the park. Depositing of large items such as lawn chairs, BBQs, mattresses, refrigerators, children’s toys etc. is STRIKLY PROHIBITED. It is your responsibility to remove these items from the park. You will be charged a $100.00 dumping fee if caught dropping off any item that is not kitchen garbage.
RECYCLE: Recycle is mandatory in our Region - not following their guidelines could result in fines. Please visit the City of Hamilton’s website for recycle regulations, questions or concerns. Below are some of their requirements for the blue recycle bins
Bins cannot be overfilled – if the lids don’t close properly, they will not pick them up
If the bins are full, please put your recyclables in a transparent clear plastic bag and make sure you close the bag and place it next to the recycle bins
Hamilton has a two-stream recycling system and is MANDATORY!
Bottles, Cans, Cartons and Jars (These must go into one blue box)
All bottles, cans, cartons and jars must be emptied and rinsed out before you put them in the blue box – their recycle facility cannot handle the removing of food and therefore the item cannot be recycled.
Throw the metal lids in the blue box separately
Plastic bags and plastic product outer wraps must be bagged together and double tied
Do not overfill the bins or they will not pick up if the lids are not closed
We will be charged extra if these items must be removed and deemed as garbage
Paper and Cardboard (These must go into a different blue box)
All cardboard must be flattened before putting in the blue box
If the bins are full, they you must flatten and tie your paper and cardboard into bundles no bigger than 76 cm x 76 cd x 20 cm (or 30in x 30in x 8in) then place into a clear plastic bag that is tied at the top and placed next to the blue bins.
Paper products that DON’T go in the paper and cardboard stream
Paper coffee cups, paper plates and paper towels – these items go in the garbage, not the blue bins
If the paper product is difficult to rip, or if there is visible plastic or metallic lining, it is garbage – do not put in the blue bins.
Milk, juice cartons and juice boxes go in the blue box with glass, plastic, cans, cartons and containers – Do not mix these with the Paper and Cardboard
SWIMMING POOL AND HOT TUB: The rules and regulations MUST be followed, or you may be suspended from use.
POOL – Children under the age of 16 must always be accompanied by an adult, 16 years of age or order, in the pool area.
HOT TUB – Children under the age of 12 must always have someone 16 years of age or older in the hot tub with them.
There is no lifeguard on duty. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! Mape Grove Resort, owners and staff reserves the right to refuse pool admittance for health and safety concerns, or for any reason. Playing with any of the safety equipment and/or signs is prohibited. Pets, Bicycles, Skateboards etc. are NOT allowed in any of the resort buildings or pool enclosure.
SELLING YOUR TRAILER: All trailer sales must go through Maple Grove Resort, or it will not be allowed to be sold in the park. Maple Grove reserves the right to not allow any unit to remain at Maple Grove. A commission fee (see office for details) is required in the form of a deposit from the purchaser which will be deducted from the agreed purchase price. All trailers listed must be priced to sell at a fair market evaluation and can only be listed for one full season and then taken off the market for another full season before relisting on site or can be pulled and sold off site privately. All new trailers coming into the park must be 10 years of age or newer and must be approved by park management to ensure all regulations are met. We do not re-sell trailers in the park that are 10 years or older unless they are a peak roof park model and/or approved by management. All trailers must have a holding tank and a marine flush toilet.
WINTER STORAGE: A commitment and payment for an upcoming season allows you to keep your trailer on site (unsupervised) at your own risk during the park’s closed season at no extra cost. Any trailer left on site, after closing, with no commitment for the upcoming season, may be moved into our storage facility and the appropriate storage fees will apply. If your unit is not moved into our storage area and you choose to remove your trailer in May then the site storage fees will apply. If you do not pull your trailer in May then the appropriate carrying and late fees will apply to your site rates.
HYDRO AND WATER lines are turned off and disconnected the day after closing each season.
CONTRACTS: Site fees are non-refundable at any time during your contract. All late payments will be charged a late payment fee. All rates include your unmarried children living at home 18 years of age and under and must be listed on the License of Occupation. All site fees must be paid in full by our day of opening. Gate cards will not work if there is an outstanding balance on your account.
FIRST YEAR – PRORATE: First year pro-rate will begin in June. Pro-rated amounts are due from the time you give a deposit on a site. After august your pro-rated amount will be applied to the second year and full rate will apply to current year.
PAYMENT OPTIONS: We have three payment options available – see invoice for rates on payment options.
Option One – Payment is due in full September 14 each year
Option Two – Payment is due in two installments, 50% by September 14 and 50% by March 14th
Option Three – 8 Equal payments starting September 14 to April 14
In case of emergency, the management team is authorized to move any vehicle without notice or liability
QUIET HOURS: are 11:00pm to 9:00am, Always keep noise and music low!
By signing the License of Occupation, you agree to all the terms and conditions laid out in this document.